Two prestigious keynote speakers will guide each session. One will be reflecting views from Europe, as suggested by EARSeL, and one from the America, as suggested by NASA.

Session 1. Synergy of remote sensing technologies for land-use change monitoring

Session Chair: Ursula Geßner (German Aerospace Center-DLR, Germany)

Keynote speech: Pierre Defourny (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)

Keynote speech: David Roy (South Dakota State University, USA)

Session 2. The role of earth observations within the Water – Energy – Food nexus

Session Chair: Dinka Dinkova (Deputy Head of Unit for Space Data for Societal Challenges and Growth, DG GROW, European Commission)

Keynote speech: Jiaguo Qi (Michigan State University, USA)

Keynote speech: Patrick Hostert (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)

Session 3. Social and behavioral aspects of land use supported by remote sensing observations

Session Chair: Daniel Brown (University of Washington, USA)

Keynote speech: Jefferson Fox (East West Center, USA)

Keynote speech: Ariane de Bremond (University of Bern, Switzerland)

Session 4. Advances and outlook in the processing and analysis of remotely sensed data

Session Chair: Gilberto Câmara (new GEO Secretariat Director)

Keynote speech: Mihai Datcu (German Aerospace Center-DLR, Germany)

Keynote speech: Matthew Hansen (University of Maryland,USA)



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