

A 3 minutes oral presentation per accepted abstract will take place right after the keynote speeches of the respective session. Participants are requested to follow the suggested template for a rapid oral presentation using font size larger than 14. A respective poster shall be mounted to highlight and emphasize results of each oral presentation, so that all interested participants have the time to speak to the main author in person. This will follow right after the oral presentation session, during which the authors will stand by his/her poster and have the opportunity to further discuss their research outcomes and prospects. Oral presentations will receive ascending numbers, which will be visible at the respective posters as well. Numbers will be generated at the registration stage and added to the slides in a big font, which will be used as indicators both in the oral presentation slides and the localization of the posters in the demonstration room.


To fit the available board space, posters must be no bigger than A0 in dimensions: Poster width should not exceed 84.1 cm & Poster height should not exceed 118.9 cm. The proposed width and height are 84.1 cm and 100 cm, respectively.


Use graphs, charts, with illustrations and photos as much as possible. Minimise the use of text and tables. Use large bold lettering for readability (minimum font size 14pt non-serif e.g. Arial).  Graphic poster presentations should be readable from 2.4 m away. The use of color graphics will enhance poster readability and attractiveness.


Title: Bold And Lower Case with the First Letter of Each Word in Upper Case, followed by author’s name and affiliation; include email addresses and web addresses if appropriate. |  Abstract: please do not exceed 500 words. |  Introduction |  Objective (including study area if applicable) |  Methods |  Results |  Discussion |  Conclusion |  Major references (maximum of 5 citations) | Acknowledgements (research funding, data providers, universities, helpful colleagues etc.).

The layout of the poster and the details of its content are the responsibility of the authors. Originality, attractiveness and clarity are the most important qualities to demonstrate in the poster.


The posters of a session will be mounted before the beginning of the respective session and replaced by the next ones before the beginning of the next session. Materials for mounting posters will be provided at the poster session venue.

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