Any individual working or studying in the fields of land cover, land use, change detection through remote sensing and the ones related to the scope and objectives of the Workshop (see the Workshop front page), is welcome to submit an abstract. The abstracts received by the Abstract submission deadline will be considered for program placement under the standard peer review process.

The authors of the selected abstracts will be invited to do a rapid (3-min) oral presentation and present their poster. Then, there will be an opportunity to actively participate in the discussions with prominent scientists.

The abstract should be written in English and submitted to the Conference Tool.

Authors will be notified by March 15, 2018, on the final result of the peer review process. No workshop proceedings will be released, but all the invited authors are welcome to submit full papers, extending the submitted abstract, to be considered for publication. Accepted abstract submissions may submit a full manuscript by July 11, 2018. See “Paper submission” for more information on full paper submissions.


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